Therapeutic Space
Since 2014 the Therapeutic Space service has been responding to significant emotional stresses and trauma affecting our client group; some of who are presenting with poor self-esteem, anxiety, depression and grief.
It became evident that if young people are to achieve the educational and developmental goals of our programming the issue of trauma and its effects had to be addressed as a matter of urgency.
The Therapeutic Space, working in an integrated way with all our service provision, and underpinned by the key methodology of the Trauma Recovery Model, seeks to enable recovery from trauma and facilitate healthy growth and development of the young person.
This service provides therapies on site at Candle namely counselling, drama therapy, acupuncture, reflexology, yoga, relaxation and mindfulness sessions as part of the overall programming which young people engage in.
The Therapeutic Space is unique in its approach, creating ‘care within a circle of care’ or a ‘wrap around’ service which delivers significantly positive outcomes for children, young people and their families.
It is our firm belief that engagement in the Therapeutic Space is making a considerable difference in the lives of the young people, from their education attainment to reducing offending behaviours and towards building resilience and greater healthy personal and social integration.

Training Programme
Youth Service
Therapeutic Space
Get In Touch
Telephone: 01-6269-111
Email: info@candletrust.ie