our staff

The staff at Candle is our greatest resource.  We are privileged to work with a group of people who have a passion for youth work, who make a great personal commitment to the young people, who readily share their skills and talents, and who challenge and motivate each other in a vibrant team spirit. 

Alison Trimble

(Developmental Co-ordinator)

Aoife Murphy

(Project Leader, Youth Service)

Bianca Kennedy


Brian Johnston


Carmel Buckley


Ciara Cassoni

(Drama Therpist)

Clare Mander

(Training Services Co-ordinator)

Dervella McNee

(Associate Director)

Elena Moreo

(Yoga teacher/ Youth Employability Support Worker)

Eoin Kinsella


Ger Byrne


Kamala Falkiner

(Youth Worker)

Linda Coogan

(Classroom Assistant)

Linda Hayes

(Financial Administrator)

Louise McCormack

(Youth Worker)

Lovette Omprogbe


Martina Galvin

(Teacher & QQI Co-ordinator)

Mary O'Brien


Matthew Bashford


Michael Daly


Michael Ruddy

(Project Worker-COMP)

Noel Dempsey


Rob Marshall


Siobhan Keighary

(Connect Project Worker & Family Outreach)

Valerie Deering


Veronica Bowden


Veronica Woods

(Kitchen/Housekeeping supervisor)

Training Programme

Youth Service

Therapeutic Space


Get In Touch

Location: Lynch's Lane, Ballyfermot Rd, Dublin 10, D10 F519

Telephone: 01-6269-111

Email: info@candletrust.ie