Home liaison

The Candle Home Liaison Programme 

The Candle Home Liaison programme is for the parents and families of young people who are attending Candle Community Trust. The involvement and support of parents and the family is crucial during the young persons’ engagement with us. It is our experience that better outcomes are realised when parents and families are involved in their child’s placement.

How can Candle Home Liaison support you?

  • Information and updates about Candle
  • Listening, advice and support
  • Home Visits and meetings in Candle
  • Events and activities, for example, Family Mindfulness
  • Parent groups and opportunities to meet other parents
  • Referrals to the Therapeutic Space in Candle
  • Referrals to other organisations/ agencies

Emma O’Neill is the Candle Home Liaison. You can contact Emma on 01-6269111 (main line) or 089 453 9597 or eoneill@candletrust.ie or through our social media channels @candled10 on Instagram and ‘Candle Community Trust’ on Facebook.

You can also keep up to date with news from Candle by reading our blog https://www.candletrust.ie/blog/

Training Programme

Youth Service

Therapeutic Space


Get In Touch

Location: Lynch's Lane, Ballyfermot Rd, Dublin 10, D10 F519

Telephone: 01-6269-111

Email: info@candletrust.ie