Welcome to Candle Community Trust


Promoting Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Social and Spiritual Growth 

What’s New in Candle?

2022 Annual Report 


See our Blog to find out more

Welcome to Candle Community Trust

Promoting Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Social and Spiritual Growth 

What’s New?  


Welcome to Candle Community Trust

Promoting Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Social and Spiritual Growth


Welcome to Candle Community Trust

Promoting Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Social and Spiritual Growth

Welcome to Candle Community Trust

Promoting Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Social and Spiritual Growth

Welcome to Candle Community Trust

Promoting Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Social and Spiritual Growth

Our Story

Candle Community Trust is a Community Project in Ballyfermot, Dublin 10. Established in 1978. Candle is a vibrant child centred service addressing the needs of young people.

Through the Educational, Social and Developmental programmes, Therapeutic space and Youth Service Candle is committed to meet the needs of all the young people and support them in reaching their full potential.

Our Vision

We believe that every young person can grow and develop emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially and spiritually in an environment that is welcoming, positive and accepting. Young people are the inspiration and it is them who determine what Candle is and how Candle is to be shaped into the future.  


To all the Funding agencies and external stakeholders who believe in our work and are supporting it, we are truly grateful. Without your help, Candle would not stand as it is today.

We acknowledge the Probation Service, CDYSB and CDETB, Tusla and the HSE for their commitment and ongoing support of Candle and its service provision.

Get in Touch


13 + 14 =

Our Message

“Everyone is welcome here equally cherished for the gifts they bring to our community. “


Our Upcoming Curricular

Events & Activities



Family Mindfulness online

For Parents, Guardians and Families of Young People attending Candle Community Trust

Join from your phone, tablet or laptop. 

Event Info

Wednesday’s 12-12.30 and 2.30-3pm. Starting Wednesday 27th 2021 running weekly. 

Contact Clare on 0872325717, 01-6269111 0r cmander@candletrust.ie



QQI Level 5 in Community Development 

Event Info

For Applications contact Martina Galvin 

Tel: 01626911

email: mgalvin@candletrust.ie



View Our Blog Posts

Candle Youth Service is on the lookout for Young People who are interested in joining our new LGBTIQ+ Youth Group. If you know of any Young People who may be interested, give us a call or contact us...

Candle Community Trust are hosting an Information Session about Google Career Certificates   Scholarships for the new Google Career Certificates are now available through City of Dublin...

Candle Community Trust Outdoor Campus

 butWe have been making great use of our new outdoor campus in Candle this summer. This space has really allowed for opportunities to connect in a safe way outdoors during the pandemic.  Comfy...

Annual Report 2020

  Our 2020 Annual Report is here....  Read how we worked to achieve our Strategic Goals 2020-2023 during Covid-19, further developments in the service and some of our highlights over the year. ...

Multi-Agency Learning forum on Trauma Informed Practices & Approaches

The team here in Candle recently undertook extensive training in Trauma Informed Approcahes and Practices. The training was facilitated by Dr.Karen Treisman, MBE, a specialist clinical psychologist,...

Candle Community Trust received an Award from the Royal Irish Architecture Institute

In what ways can Architecture ‘be used to reconnect with one another, to build care and empathy. “Architecture helps us to register that feeling we describe as atmosphere, creating a strong link...

Candle Home Liaison Update…..

Candle Home Liaison Programme  Update- March 2021 Hello from Candle Home Liaison! The Candle Home Liaison programme is for the parents and families of young people who are attending Candle Community...

Candle Community Support Hub

A new initiative here in Candle.....  The Candle Community Hub was set up in 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact it has had on the mental Health of Young People in the community...

Are You Interested in Community Development?

We are currently recruiting for our QQI Level 5 Community Development Programme at Candle Community Trust, Ballyfermot. The course will be delivered over one academic year commencing in September...


       Post Title: Youth Worker      Contract: 1-year fixed term – continuance of this position is dependent on funding   About Candle Community Trust Candle Community...

Training Programme

Youth Service


Therapeutic Space


Get In Touch

Location: Lynch’s Lane, Ballyfermot Rd, Dublin 10, D10 F519

Telephone: 01-6269-111

Email: info@candletrust.ie