Good governance is a central focus of the Candle Board of Trustees. Principles of good governance such as leadership, exercising control, being transparent and accountable, working effectively, and behaving with integrity provide the benchmark for the running of the organisation. Governance practice is constantly under review at Candle with particular focus on robust financial accountability, Health & Safety and Child Safeguarding policy and procedures. In 2015, Candle Community Trust registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority and submit the Annual Report in compliance with its legal obligations under the Charities Act 2009. The Charity Regulator number is 20022501.
The Board of Trustees, in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, produces 3 Year Strategic Plans and annual Operational Plans for the Service.
Strategic Planning
The strategic plan documents where the organisation is going and how it plans to get there. The strategic plan describes the organisation’s goals, visions and areas of action for a period of 3 years.
Operational Planning
The organisation will always have an annual plan which sets out the work plan for each area of operation. The annual plan includes clear goals or key performance indicators that form the basis of service review and evaluation. Annual plans are developed in line with the longer term strategic plan of the organisation.
Candle Community Trust currently has 7 company trustees. All Company trustees work in a voluntary capacity and do not receive any remuneration or expenses. The list of trustees is as follows:
Seamus Taaffe – Chairperson
Ross McQueirns – Treasurer
Caitriona Geraghty – Company Trustee
Patrick Lavelle – Company Trustee
David Bagnall. Company Trustee
John O’Gorman – Vice Chairperson
John Duffy – Company Secretary
Sarah Greene – Company Trustee
Beatrice Vance – Company Trustee
Financial Statements
Training Programme
Youth Service
Therapeutic Space
Get In Touch
Telephone: 01-6269-111